Wednesday, February 20, 2013


  Certainly all people has been know about owabong because owabong is very interest tourism with many kind vehicle. For people not yet know about owabong, I will explain about owabong. Owabong is a family tourism that has many kind game of pool,  gokart circuit, waterboom and other water rides. Especially, I want explain to you about history, located, facilities, and environment of owabong.
The history of Owabong begin from a private pool made by Dutch citizen was built in 1946,then taken over by chinese descent named KWI sing. In 2004 purchased by the local district Purbalingga finally established it as a vehicle for family tourism and extended up to 4,8 hectares of which only 1 hectare previous course until completed and inaugurated on March 1,2005.
            Owabong is located in Jl. Raya Bojongsari No. 1, Central Java. If we wiil go to there from jogja around 200KM and need four hours by bus. You can enjoy in owabong only with pay Rp. 25.000/ticket for adult and Rp. 10.000/ticket for children. There are many visitors in owabong. They are foreigner from various countries, from domestic, children, adult and many again.
            Owabong has many facilities like Olympic pool, waterboom, current pool, gokart circuit,Chiildren pool,Theatre 4 dimension. The olimpic pool is international pool which has length 50 m and width 21 m then the depth is 120 cm until 225 m. There are two type waterboom in owabong,it is spiral waterslide and torpedo waterslide. Appropriate with the name spiral waterslide shaped like sock breaker, and torpedo waterslide only shaped straight. Current pool is pool with river sensation, so you can enjoy like in the river. Except thats you also can enjoy playing gokart with Rp.10000/lap. The children pool is special for children with variety children toys. Then you also can watch movie in theatre 4 dimension. To enter the theatre 4 dimension you only pay Rp.10000/person.

            We can enjoy in owabong with very good facilities and services. We unnecessary to swim because there are lifeguard in every pool. We certain comfortable because owabong has fresh and cool scenery, natural, and clean place. Interesting rights?? So, you must visiting owabong if you want to enjoy tourism that really tourism.

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